Muah. Today I finally got the Martha Stewart book I ordered. Hmm... yeah laugh all you want. Anyway it got me cleaning. And so far I've cleaned the toilet cabinet.
Yesterday I took Sam out for lunch at Amarillo because he's been nagging me about that place for so long. It's kind of a strange place because I'm not sure if it's a nightclub, bar or restaurant. It turned out to be all of the above. We ended up going Sunday afternoon when everyone is recovering from the night before (like this boy on the bus who was calling his friend telling him how he's still drunk). So, needless to stay a nightclubbarrestaurant complex is not so impressive at this time of week or day. Other than a few lost looking toursits, some other couples and a group of middle aged drunk men at the bar, the place was pretty empty.
Amarillo is a tex-mex restaurant, probably why I haven't gone before. You see I have a rule that if I want tex mex I'll go to Taco House simply because it is cheap and good and I don't think tex-mex and sit down 'fancy' dinner exactly go together. Nonetheless promise of an XXXL Burger (over 300g of beef) 13,90e and a 500g rack of Rockefeller Ribs 17,90e got me convinced.

Verdict: The food was a bit of a dissapointment, even with the price. The ribs were 1e more than at Salud but the difference in taste was so much more. Plus we should have ordered something other than water because the small glass (with no refill) cost 2e (and those fries were so salty)! At least those drunk guys provided interesting lunch entertainment.