Monday, September 25, 2006

So, this summer my brother graduated so I ended up going to Switzerland for that. Graduation dinner, as usual, was at the Hilton Hotel. The food was again quite dissapointing. Firstly the apetisers were your average cold cuts! For the amount of 100sfr (that's about 80 dollars), you would expect to have quite a nice classy sit down dinner. Lining up with our plates for the main course I thought heck this is as bad as the year I graduated. The pacing of the dinner was fast too. I eat slowly because I want to eat a lot and I want to savor and enjoy! Anyway enough complaining, needless to say the Hilton graduation dinner was a dissapointment.

Now, on to dissapointing Hilton dinner number two. A couple of weeks later I had dinner with my parents at the Hilton
La Grignotière. We had salmon tartar and beef tartar. The salmon tartar was good, but the beef had much too many caprices in it and I couldn't finish it. Such a shame.

The annual Kermesse event at the International School of Geneva is always a good oportunity to eat good food. But, as usual I was working at the Finnish stall and this year I felt like I was working pretty hardcore. On top of that it was hot and I had major hay fever. By midday I was pretty worn out and darn hungry. So, my dear parents went to hunt and gather me food from the assortment of international stalls set up all over campus. What I got was Japanese yakitori and chicken satay (and of course a nice big glass of Pimms). I love yakitori, I could live on yakitori and this yakitori was no exeption. Don't get me wrong, the chicken satay was good, but damn the delicious taste of that yakitori just blew me away.

Now, altough the yakitori was good there was one other dish that just made my taste buds orgasm! We were taking an evening walk along the Nyon shore and passed the Buvette de la Plage des Trois Jetées (situated at Nyon Plage). They have a very nice terace overlooking the Lake Geneva and me being the food whore I am I had to get something to eat there. So, I ordered the gambas á l'ail (shrimp with garlic). Now, the dish did have a bit of an unfair headway from the get-go because I love almost anything that comes from the sea and I adore garlic! The plate when it came was full! The sauce was imaculate and the shrimp were perfectly cooked. And to my delight they were half peeled to ease my devouring them. It truly was heaven on a plate and such an impact it had on my taste buds that I still, months on, dream about it. Next summer when I visit my parents again, I know right where I'm headed.

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